Saturday, November 30, 2013

My Freelance Order

 I'm already have some freelance jobs. One of them that i like the most is making face cartoon.
Some of my customer (wow.. customer) give them to someone as wedding gift, birthday gift or other celebration or event like valentines day, football supporter, or just for family caricature display in living room.
And this is they are..

Friday, February 15, 2013

Brother Jefry Birthday Cartoon

Suddenly i remember this man's birthday. Well, actually he is an important person in my lifetime as student in collage. He just like my older brother. We shared so much fun time. Last year i made an animation (eventhough it's so amateur) to congratulate him on this day, but today i really forget about this particular day. When i'm searching some idea, i found my sketch of him that made two years ago, then here it is.
I make a weird birthday card. Hihihi...
When i post it in my facebook account, there are a lot of positive comment and likes.
Thank God, my creativity is not going to wasted. :D

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Gift

Love sweet love...
Valentine's day has coming. 
Some friend order cartoon artwork to me.
It's fun when i try to find the right theme of background and this is it.
A cupid and magician lover comes to my mind.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

My cartoon project :D

This is the first time i got paid for my illustration.
It's so happy i can earn money from my creativity in my spare time.
I hope someday my dream comes true..
I had a home with a sweet gallery where i can dig all my potential of creativity. It will be like a restaurant with many delicious food and i can invited my customer enjoy their meal with happy smile. I believe someday they'll be better. I will earn profit aka money from this activity forever. :D

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The actress of IADEL christmas Drama performance

They working hard to perform a little drama that write by me. Thanks to all of them i can have great time when we had practice our role in drama.

Actually, i write this is a drama to celebrate christmas with Ikatan Alumni PIDEL, my sweet collage.
And since they know i love to make cartoon so, here it is, i made all of their face in different color.
It's fun and memoriable. Bravo to you all. :D








